Five people eating individual meals with chopsticks

Hungry for Self-Improvement

Welcome to Voices of the Day! Each week, we ask the void of the internet to respond to four unique questions and two core questions. This time around we focused on food, laughs, loss, and becoming who we want to be. One thing I found interesting was the number of people who had difficulty coming up with “something funny”, which kind of turned into a funny situation in of itself. A lot of great food ideas are buzzing around in my head now, definitely craving some Chicken Tikka Masala and Chili Con Carne now! What I enjoyed most, personally, was hearing people’s deep responses to the question “are you the person you want to be?” They really resonated with me at different stages of my life. But enough from me, enjoy the voices this week, and we hope they leave you hungry for more next time!

Homemade tacos with peppers and onions

What is the best meal you’ve had in recent memory?

Homemade tacos with my s/o while we watched our favorite inaccurate doctor show, The Good Doctor

What is something funny that happened to you recently?

After kindly and politely asking my neighbors to quiet down at midnight on a Monday/Tuesday I got to watch them get verbally ripped to shreds by my very angry and sleepy s/o 30 minutes later. They have not made a peep since.

What have you lost or forgotten?

My grandfather and family dog (that helped me emotionally in high school after a big move/culture shock) in the same year and neither will ever be forgotten.

Are you the person you want to be?

Right now? I think so, but I have so much room to grow. I would not want to be the same exact person in a year.

How are you feeling, right now?

I’m hopeful for more growth in the future and happy about where things are headed

Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m in my mid-twenties and I’m trying to mature into a better man than my truly amazing dad. I’ve got a big heart, though sometimes I have difficulty showing it because I can be awkward.

Man grabbing Mexican food from aluminum serving tins.


There is a really authentic taco place where I live. So good and fresh!


My cat is a funny boy who always amuses me with his antics. He loves to chase flies and chatter at birds out the window. My nephew is always hilarious, he’s three.

Lost / Forgotten

Nothing comes to mind.

Are you the person you want to be?



Impatient. I was admitted to a funded PhD program that starts in August, in a cool little city. I can’t wait to start. I’m frustrated with the job I’m at and am counting down the days until I move!


This is impossible! But nothing is impossible for her. 🙂

Large pot of Chicken Tikka Masala with wooden spoon.


Definitely chicken tiki masala


(No response)

Lost / Forgotten

My dignity. Just kidding, I lost my dog around the house somewhere.

Are you the person you want to be?

Not yet




I’m a guy in New England. Love my dogs, fiancé, and Boston sports teams (not necessarily in that order…)

Can of Spongebob Chef Boyardee


Sponge Bob spaghetti Os


Failed a test

Lost / Forgotten


Are you the person you want to be?





Very average. Not interesting.

What is the best meal you’ve had in recent memory?

Vegetarian dopiaza at local curry house. I went with some friends to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

What is something funny that happened to you recently?

I met some people in real life from a game I play. We joked about the game and it was so funny

What have you lost or forgotten?

Little plastic scarab beetle I used to carry round as a kid.

Are you the person you want to be?

No. Being transgender, it will be a while through my transition before I’m happy with myself.

How are you feeling, right now?

Not too bad. I have that thoughtful, head-scratchy feeling.

Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m a student and I love maths. I’m from Suffolk, UK.

Coffee left on counter with cookies around it.


Pasta with spinach, prosciutto and parmesan


Why is it so hard to remember stuff like that??

Lost / Forgotten

To drink the coffee I had made

Are you the person you want to be?





I’m weird but I’m a good person. I don’t know what else to say, bye.

Delicious meal of chicken paste with lemon sauce


A double helping of lemon chicken garlic pasta, with homemade cookies as dessert.


I got annoyed at whoever failed to record something, then discovered that it was me who failed to record it.

Lost / Forgotten

My expectation that I have a massive and revolutionary impact on the world at some point in my life.

Are you the person you want to be?

No, but I’m on the right track in the ways it is possible to change, and trying to accept the ways in which it is impossible to change.


Excited, overwhelmed, restless, and a bit bored because I can’t release my energy properly (at work…)


Most things I want are impossible.  I try to bring them about anyway.

Clock on wall with time of 5:50


A delicious beef patty from a Caribbean restaurant


I embarrassingly mentioned the time in conversation, confidently guessing it was almost 5:00pm. It was 5 minutes til 7:00.

Lost / Forgotten

If I am doing things for myself, or for others to appease myself.

Are you the person you want to be?

Yes, for now. I can’t be anyone else at any rate.


Relaxed but productive. A rare combination.


A hermit returning to society after days spent mostly indoors.

People waiting for metro, looking at cellphones

What is the best meal you’ve had in recent memory?

A Moroccan spiced shepherd’s pie

What is something funny that happened to you recently?

I was waiting for the metro the other day, headphones on, texting a friend. We sent a few messages back and forth until I wrapped up the conversation and said I’d talk to him later. His next message was “what are you listening to?”. Turns out he was sitting next to me the whole 10 minutes.

What have you lost or forgotten?

Presence. Until not too long ago, I was able to give each moment my full attention. Now the past and the future bleed into the present. And if I meditate and try to focus my attention, it only ever feels like I’m ignoring thoughts that have to do with parts of my life that are outside that moment. And this only gives those thoughts more weight.

Are you the person you want to be?

No, but I’m getting there

How are you feeling, right now?

Disappointed. Maybe dejected. I just finished an exam.

Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

As I’m getting older, I’m becoming a better liar, and it’s getting harder to identify the lies I tell myself. I often believe most things don’t matter to me, but I suspect I’m just afraid to acknowledge that they do.

Chili con carne with slice of bread on serving tray


Chili con carne


I flipped a canoe

Lost / Forgotten

A water bottle

Are you the person you want to be?





I am Norwegian. I am a male person.

Breaded shrimp on rice with vegetables and sauce


Breaded shrimp


Can’t remember!

Lost / Forgotten

Lost a sense of achievement and optimism for the future

Are you the person you want to be?

Unfortunately not. I was a better person a couple of years ago, but now I’m a disappointment to myself.


Stressed, there’s a lot of deadlines and I’m worried about getting a job after university.


I’m a nice and kind person. However, I feel tired and upset with myself.

That wraps up this week’s post. If you didn’t get your fill of food, go grab something to eat! If, however, you didn’t get your fill of wisdom, then check out our First Voices of the Day! Until next time, be kind, be curious, be heard!