Multiple buildings painted to say "Culture is where we are from" collectively.

Culture, its Role, and Our Roles within it.

Welcome to Voices of the Day, this week focusing on culture.

This week was definitely a highlight for me. I really liked hearing what cliche role people picked – from sitcom characters to sidekicks to “miserable old gits”. Special mention to Phoebe from Friends  for being the spirit-role for two different voices. There are a lot of honest, varying viewpoints when looking at misunderstood lifestyles that was eye-opening and worth remembering. I had a special soft-spot for the depth people gave for the Power of Words in their life. Been really trying to tighten up the format week-to-week. Moved the pictures to the bottom of posts, I think it makes more sense and feels better that way. Learning a lot about the process as this continues, as with the cultural layers question – Nobody expanded on their number, and I was bummed about that originally. But then I reconsidered and thought, maybe it leaves it open to interpretation and more interesting to see the number of cultural layers without needing to label them. Culture was a topic of great importance to people, and the voices certainly did it justice, enjoy!

What personality cliches do you fall into? What character in a sitcom, or role in a movie would you fill?

Band geek

What is one habit, culture, or lifestyle that you have trouble understanding?

Mega sports fans

How strongly do you base ideas of right and wrong on your own personal ideas versus societal and cultural influences?

I try to balance the two as much a possible.

What power do words have to you? For you? In your life?

Words hold great power for me in life.

How many layers are there to your culture?


How are you feeling, right now?



I am very passionate about color guard. I love wholesome content of all kinds.

Color guards waving colorful flags during competition.

Stereotypical Role

Support, maybe a mage

Hard to Understand

People who drive inefficient vehicles for non work purposes.

Personal vs. Societal Influences

It’s likely societal and cultural influences which dictate what’s right and wrong.

Power of Words

Communication is key, and it’s a bit harder to mess things up reading or writing.

Cultural Layers



A bit sleepy and a bit anxious about the next couple of weeks.


(No answer given)

Lego wizard with cape and long white beard.

Stereotypical Role

Daenerys Targaryen – Game of Thrones

Hard to Understand


Personal vs. Societal Influences

Very much

Power of Words

A lot

Cultural Layers





I’m an European Woman, living in my small country trying to live from the Cinema Business, doing cinematography.

Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, walking towards the screen with mounted company.

Stereotypical Role

I don’t know.

Hard to Understand

Bandwagon sports fans.

Personal vs. Societal Influences

Somewhere in between.

Power of Words

Words matter. That is why we use them.

Cultural Layers





I haven’t figured it out yet.

Fan at baseball game with giant foam finger

Stereotypical Role

I’m definitely the over emotional friend who never gets a date. Bonus points if they’re a writer, finish your drink if they say they’re a writer but they’re very clearly unemployed.

Hard to Understand

Going out and partying with strangers, honestly. I’m just super introverted and value the time I spend with others a lot differently so I don’t know why you’d spend it on strangers

Personal vs. Societal Influences

There’s a difference between what I think is right and wrong and what I think should be done for society. For example, I personally would never have an abortion because I consider that to go against my morals, but I would never EVER judge any individual for getting one for any reason. Everyone is different

Power of Words

I’m a writer (or a “writer”, see the unemployed part from before haha) so even simple language can change my day, my week, my life.

Cultural Layers





After years of struggling with mental illness, i am finally getting back on my feet. Coming soon to a bookstore near you!

Typewriter being used, with coffee and extra paper nearby.

What personality cliches do you fall into? What character in a sitcom, or role in a movie would you fill?

I’d be the dumb one who’s occasionally smart. Like Phoebe and Joey from Friends, but mixed together in an awkward mess.

What is one habit, culture, or lifestyle that you have trouble understanding?

In terms of lifestyle/culture I don’t understand religion. I guess I don’t understand how people can believe in God and also follow certain rules purely just in case he’s real.

How strongly do you base ideas of right and wrong on your own personal ideas versus societal and cultural influences?

I don’t really see things as right/wrong because nothing is inherently either. E.g. some things are outrageous in Western culture but if you go somewhere else, they’re perfectly fine, and vice versa. But I mostly base my morals off what I think and believe, mainly because I don’t get much influence from anywhere else and find it a lot easier to just think logically rather than emotionally

What power do words have to you? For you? In your life?

The power to get on the same level as someone else and to be able to understand each other. They can also be both completely useless when someone won’t listen, or really powerful when taken seriously. Sometimes even damaging.

How many layers are there to your culture?


How are you feeling, right now?

Tired, sad and angry

Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

Absolutely awful at social interaction, basically on the outside of everything. I have a few talents and skills but no one is ever interested in me enough to see them.

Television Role - Phoebe From Friends (Lisa Kudrow).

Stereotypical Role

Big man, small hearth. Some kind of sensitive jock.

Hard to Understand

How people are able to date so easily, I have trouble getting a single date while others do it like it’s a piece of cake

Personal vs. Societal Influences

Mostly my personal point of view, probably biased by what I see on social media.

Power of Words

Could not live without them, without subtitles I could not watch foreign shows. I could not enjoy the internet as it is. Studying would be impossible for me without written text.

Cultural Layers



Bit tired and stressed out because of work


One of the strongest introverts around.

Large man facing forward with cat sitting on left shoulder.

Stereotypical Role

Phoebe from Friends

Hard to Understand

selfish, wealthy people

Personal vs. Societal Influences

I think I use my personal ideas more frequently than other influences. THis is often because I think societial or cultural influences don’t use qualifiers enough and fall prey to heuristic models without considering multiple outcomes.

Power of Words

Linguistics has become increasing more powerful due to societal norms changes such as the gender spectrum. Words are often used to exclude because they speak to the majority which could make minorities feel bad about themselves

Cultural Layers



content, pensive


I am a woman, mother, wife, professor, daughter, sister, and aunt. I care about the environment and equity for all.

Phobe from Friends, again, this time arms folded looking smug and confident.

Stereotypical Role

Miserable old git

Hard to Understand

Buying distressed clothing.  It’s like buying a new car with dents and scratches.

Personal vs. Societal Influences

I have my own ideas of right and wrong, regardless of the opinions of others.

Power of Words


Cultural Layers





Workedhard for 50 years. Now telaxing in retirerment.

Close-up of a large dent in the side of a car.

Stereotypical Role

The vegan

Hard to Understand

War, racism

Personal vs. Societal Influences

Quite strongly I suppose

Power of Words

It depends on the words!

Cultural Layers



Not good sorry 🙁


I am apparently a very nice person but I don’t know what’s going on in this world.

Four different vegetable smoothies., carrot, cucumber, tomato, beets.

What personality cliches do you fall into? What character in a sitcom, or role in a movie would you fill?

I would be the the funny sidekick or best friend and I’d likely die partway through to further the development of the main character.

What is one habit, culture, or lifestyle that you have trouble understanding?

I really don’t get how people can eat meat. A living creature had to die for that.

How strongly do you base ideas of right and wrong on your own personal ideas versus societal and cultural influences?

I used to be a lot more influenced by the people around me but I’ve started thinking more for myself and figuring out what I think is right.

What power do words have to you? For you? In your life?

They can be pretty powerful.

How many layers are there to your culture?


How are you feeling, right now?


Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m queer, disabled, and trying my best. I really stop procrastinating.

Chickens in industrial farming coop.

Stereotypical Role

Weird nerdy girl

Hard to Understand

watching vloggers, being very right wing

Personal vs. Societal Influences

How would I know? That’s not something you are usually conscious about. But I think I have my own basis, and do my research before forming ideas.

Power of Words

They are very important to me. I love the science of words and languages, and communication is important to me in general.

Cultural Layers



Annoyed by this questionnaire


I am a very curious person with a lot of interests. I am also an ambivert.

Girl wearing glasses and a shirt that says talk nerdy to me on it.

Stereotypical Role

A lonely hero

Hard to Understand

It is difficult for me to have to be constantly available via phone and the internet. I have to be ready to answer at any time, and this puts me in a state of constant alert.

Personal vs. Societal Influences

I prefer to think than my personal ideal of right and wrong is strong, and make my best to base on my own judgement, but I understand that you cannot hide from the society. Of course I absorb cultural influences, at least subconsciously.

Power of Words

Previously words and language used to be a second reality for people; now, I think, they are forming our first reality. Words are very real. You can beat with a word and it will be more painful than with a stick.

Cultural Layers



Quite well; I am fine right now.


I am a middle aged Russian woman, with interesting work, family, and friends.  I discover my culture during my whole life, but I will never have time to find out about all its layers.

Group of people all on phones sitting shoulder-to-shoulder.

Stereotypical Role

insane serial killer

Hard to Understand

having children

Personal vs. Societal Influences


Power of Words

quite a bit

Cultural Layers



puzzled by the previous question


i don’t want to

Creepy serial killer, holding knife at shoulder looking at viewer.

Stereotypical Role

I would fall into that cliche of the attractive guy that one of the female leads has a fling with, but they end up breaking it off because I’m pretty nerdy

Hard to Understand

Smoking. Despite all the research and evidence of how awful it is for you, people still do it.

Personal vs. Societal Influences

Morals are subjective and different for each person.

Power of Words

Words have immense power. They can create worlds in your head just by reading them on a page. They have the power to start wars and something as simple as brightening someones day.

Cultural Layers



Tired, but overall pretty great


I am an unassuming athletic nerd. I enjoy sports, reading, video games, board games, and a variety of stereotypical nerdy interests

An attractive nerd (John green).

Thanks for listening to the Voices of the Day. I hope you took something away from this post that you can keep with you. Did you think about what habits perplex you? Did you figure out what role you would fill? Feel free to use your power of words to leave a comment below letting us know! And check out the Conversely Facebook Page on Thursdays and Sundays, to have your voice heard! And if you want to hear more great insights check out our Last Post where voices spoke about their fears, free-time, and personal honesty. Have a great day, and thanks again for listening to the Voices of the Day.