Little girl sitting cross-legged and praying.

Honest Fears and Wishes

Welcome to back to Voices of the Day! It’s a pleasure to have you here. This week our voices spoke on their own honesty, evaluated their free time, and shared a bit of their fears. I was comforted to see that most people considered themselves honest and strive to be that way. The fears range from existential, to societal, to non-existent. I really found the question “one thing you wish more people knew” to be particularly rewarding – Some responses were silly, others were personal, and others were of dire importance. While you listen, see if you notice yourself inside any of our speakers.

Man holding Save Our Planet sign

Do you consider yourself an honest person?

For the most part, yes.

How valuable is your free time?

Very valuable. I always try and utilize my free time in a way that will make me more successful in the future.

What frightens you?


What is one thing you wish more people knew?

I wish more people knew about and understood how big a problem climate change actually is

How are you feeling, right now?

Tired, but overall pretty good

Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m ambitious, focused, and competitive. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Delicious spread of fruits and vegetables around a salad


Yes, lying makes me uncomfortable and I go to great lengths to avoid it.

Value of Free Time

Very valuable

Frightened By

Someone I love dying and it being my fault.

Wish people knew

I wish more people knew about the benefits of going vegan.


Bored and a little sad


I’m a bit of a mess but I’m working on it. I’m always trying to be better than I was yesterday.

Mother and daughter sticking out tongues playfully.



Value of Free Time

What free time?

Frightened By


Wish people knew

Be nice to everyone.


My tongue hurts


I am busy. I am stressed.

Sad woman with face in her hands


depends on the situation

Value of Free Time


Frightened By

Not sure to be honest

Wish people knew

common sense





Do you consider yourself an honest person?

Generally, yes

Value of Free Time


Frightened by

The future of our environment

Wish people knew

How to be respectful and tolerant of differences




I am a fan of technology, a problem solver and a fandom nerd. I am a little bit egotistical, a lot obsessive and a touch lazy.

Do you consider yourself an honest person?


How valuable is your free time?


What frightens you?

Nothing any more

What is one thing you wish more people knew?

That everyone is different but we’re all still the main characters in our stories and things that happen are a big deal

How are you feeling, right now?


Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

A woman who set goals early and raced for them like a finish line that my life depended on. Now that I’m where I want to be I can enjoy what I have worked hard for and finally take it easy.


Somewhat. It depends on the situation.

Value of Free Time

Not very valuable. I’m free all the time.

Frightened By

Being alone forever.

Wish people knew

How kind and loyal I can be. Just in general, though, is how creatures such as snakes and spiders aren’t out to get you.


Sick, tired, lonely, and wistful.


I’m fucked up. I have a lot of issues but I’m a damn good person.


Only sometimes. I don’t lie out of malice but I’m fine with little white lies when needed. And self-aware enough to admit this.

Value of Free Time

Not very. If I had something valuable to do it wouldn’t be free time. I’d like less empty time and more things to do that are important.

Frightened By

Dying without fulfilling my main life goals. I’m almost okay with the idea of dying eventually, but I do NOT want it to be before I get a few things done.

Wish people knew

When a big company jumps on some social issue bandwagon, they’re full of shit about their motives. They’re doing it for PR and to persuade you to buy more stuff. If openly calling minorities/women/whoever worthless made more money for the company, they’d do that instead. 98% of the time it’s just manipulative advertising.




(no answer given)

Man in hoodie standing in front of graffiti strong arms


I do consider myself an honest person. Honesty is a quality I value highly- probably the highest- in others and myself.

Value of Free Time

My free time is… valuable to me because of what I can do with it. Experiences with my loved ones are what give me life.

Frightened By

Capitalism and greed frighten me. They do far more destruction than anything else.

Wish People Knew

I wish more people knew that society is only what we decide it is. We can actually make things better. It’s not impossible.


I’m feeling… dissatisfied. Things could just be so much better. If people weren’t so selfish, then everyone could be so much happier.


I am stronger than I look. I will make this world a better place.

Computer with YouTube homepage showing

Do you consider yourself an honest person?


How valuable is your free time?

I’d say very valuable.

What frightens you?

I can’t think of anything frightening me.

What is one thing you wish more people knew?

People should know that T-Series is a corporation and doesn’t deserve its subscribers. I’m kidding, but the number of subscribers is absurd.

How are you feeling, right now?

I feel indifferent.

Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m a generally happy girl. I love drawing, playing video games, and watching videos… whether on YouTube or Crunchyroll.

Dozens of smiley faces of different colors in bunches


Absolutely, when it’s safe to be

Value of Free Time

Very valueable, I need lots of time to de-stress

Frightened By

Most people I don’t know well

Wish people knew

That people with multiple personalities aren’t monsters and we want to be kind and productive members of society too


Kind of sad


This body holds about 24 different people. We are artists, gamers, gardeners, writers, and philosophers.



Value of Free Time


Frightened By

other people not liking me

Wish people knew

how much they don’t know

How are you feeling, right now?

really fucking tired


(no answer given)



Value of Free Time

I have enough that I don’t think about this

Frightened By

Lack of control and stability

Wish people knew

How awful Trump is


Relaxed, a bit tired


Middle aged professional near retirement with adult children, wondering how best to spend my time during the next stage of life.

Child sitting on stack of books while reading a book.



Value of Free Time


Frightened By

Murder, crazy people

Wish people knew

How to educate themselves




Female. 24. America

So we reach the end of another week. I am very grateful to those who took the time to express their Fears and wishes. Did you find anyone that you resonated with? Were you a mix of different people? Or do you feel your voice is missing? If so, then be sure to check out our social media for when surveys are posted! Enough of that though, enjoy the thoughts of our voices this week! 

If you’re still hungry for more, check out Last Week’s Post where we talked about food, funny moments, and who we want to be. We will be changing a little bit of the behind-the-scenes formula for Voices of the Day as well, and it should allow us to collect more responses that carry even more wisdom. Until then, have a great day everyone. And remember, be heard!