Advice, Worries, Hope

Welcome to Voices of the Day! Each week, we ask the void of the internet to respond to four unique questions and two core questions. Please enjoy the experiences, opinions, and wisdom offered by our Voices. Soak it up, and leave a comment if you find a voice that speaks to you.

Please give one piece of advice, on any topic – sports, food, family, money, life, etc.

Do something for the sake of doing it, not for the reward that it brings you.


What do you worry about?

The Future


What gives you hope?

The Future


What inspires you?

My friends


How are you feeling, right now?



Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m on a journey of the self. I want to grow.


Always be true to your friend and family.



My health



Seeing others give back



People with dreams and ambition



Good ready to take on anything



Ready to accomplish my goals for 2019


Try to put your family and close friends first – at the end of the day other things come and go but close family and friends will be moments you treasure the most



Not living up to my full potential, becoming either lazy or losing motivation in what I deem important



That there’s always room to improve, and no one is perfect so just keep looking forward



Seeing other people around me succeed and do well in life, it makes me feel happy myself to see people care about do well, and makes me want to step up to them



Overall okay, things right now are okay but always curious and unsure of what the future holds



For me, keeping close relations and everyone content around me is top priority. I like to consider myself an overall carefree person who tries to keep good vibes to those I’m around


Figure out who you really are and what you want in this life. Be introspective and pursue the best you. Even when it’s hard, do it. Because that’s the one person you have to live with your whole life.



Finances and whether or not I will be fully prepared to support and protect my future family in a world that is seemingly becoming more chaotic.



My soon to be wife and friends. They help me realize there are genuinely good people in the world who want help and make the world better.



My parents and Fiancee



Stressed but truly happy overall



Trying to become a better person day by day. Loyal to his friends and family that he loves dearly.


Growing up and in school, I was under the impression that rationality was the key to learning and being right. Since then I’ve come to downplay the role of being rational and to focus instead on being sincere, and have found it to be a much better way to interact with the world.



I worry about making the wrong choice whenever I have options – of what to do with my time, who to spend time with, anything like that. But I try to keep from worrying and instead to appreciate the quality of all the choices that I have.



Having a plan.



People who sincerely believe in the chance to make the world a good place through hard work and honesty.






I think too much. Maybe that’s OK.


Never apologize for being lucky, just make the breaks count



Being a failure/loser



Those moments where your inner thoughts/concerns can be addressed by an action in real life. It’s a comforting Inspiration and makes me believe God is looking out.



My intuitive ability to connect with people and communicate their stories to others. It gives me a sense of purpose.



Just alright lol but I’m mostly present so that’s good.



I’m the man, but it’s something I find I keep trying to prove to myself each day, week, month, year, etc. over and over again so I know I’m never stagnating.

Please give one piece of advice, on any topic – sports, food, family, money, life, etc.

Do something for the sake of doing it, not for the reward that it brings you.

Never be afraid to be yourself around people


What do you worry about?

Other people’s opinions, unfortunately


What gives you hope?

Having deadlines to complete and goals for the future


What inspires you?

My friends and family


How are you feeling, right now?

Not much anxiety, just at peace honestly.


Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

I’m a person that likes to please everyone. Sometimes I feel like that may make me more susceptible to stress or anxiety but I enjoy being responsible and caring for others.


Everything takes time, but not everything is worth your time.



Existential threats, being successful on my own terms.



Younger generations, technology, conversations



Passionate People



Doing ok. Searching.



Ambitious often, confident less often. Enjoying where I am at in life most days.


It’s always better to work toward accomplishing something than work to avoid failure



climate change






how complex people are… every single person is a whole world



tired but in a good, accomplished way & i get to go to bed soon anyway



I’ve been a lot of different things in my life and i’m sure I’ve got a lot more to be someday. today i think i’m sort of an explorer


Never give up your own bed when hosting guests in your home.



Whether I will be a success






People who work their asses off to reach their goals






I keep my head up, and I try to see the bright side of every situation. I know how to cheer anyone up, except myself.


Family love and support is important but your definition of what makes a family  is even more critical. Biology and genetic links are very important but do not make, limit or guarantee love. It is the nurturing and the relationships among those involved that define love.  Those established bonds that may be as enduring, as nonbreakable and as fulfilling as “blood” bonds. There are no boundaries on family love.



As I age, that I not be  a burden to loved ones. Physically, I don’t mind going to a nursing home. But I worry more about dementia. I think that would be worse on the children than me. I’ve lost my memory but don’t know it and would be unaware of the pain I’m causing them by my actions. Even though they would know that I was sick and didn’t me it, there would still be heartfelt pain. As our parents age, we are experiencing firsthand the type of pain such dementia would cause our kids.



As I age and my mortality in sight, I reflect on the strength of our Black people and our ancestors. In this time where racism and all manner of discrimination raises it’s head again, I am reminded of the strength and determination it took just to survive. I don’t know if I could have done it. Black history is so important. Our ancestors that were slaves took all they dished out so we survived. My grandmother couldn’t read or write and helped raise her siblings and 10 children of her own. As a child when something bad happened, we used to say, hope it wasn’t a Black person because we knew it reflected on the entire race. But the reverse is also true. Every good accomplishment by Black people is shared by the race and fills you with pride because you know it happened in spite of every attempt to keep you back or down. My hope is that we as a people are survivors and our oppressors will always fail.  My hope is that we don’t forget but appreciate the struggle and success of our people.



There is so much information at your fingertips that I want the youth of today to take advantage of technology. In my day, raised in segregated schools, bookmobiles came twice a month and was limited.  Now if I want to know something I ask Alexa. I can continue to educate or entertain myself to my grave. But we have to be vigilant in ascertaining fact from fiction and opinion. We have to always think for ourselves.



Concerned but hopeful about my loved ones. Confident that we are in God’s hands.  Therefore, I am at peace.



Senior citizen that feels blessed that I am in my right mind and ambulatory.  I am blessed to have a family that I love and believe cares about me.


Losing sometimes makes a win much more sweeter. An example would be that moment when you win your first game of Catan after a 22 losing streak.



Those who believe in the flat earth theory realizes that the earth is round and have no one else to turn too.



Striving for a goal that’s almost in reach



Those who have your back when you need it the most



Inspiration the gains from the gym after a long workout



Realistic, down to earth, and someone who got your back when you needed the most

Please give one piece of advice, on any topic – sports, food, family, money, life, etc.

Do something for the sake of doing it, not for the reward that it brings you.

Continue oral traditions of telling stories about past generations. With all the instant and digitalness of this era I think that’s one thing I’m worried I won’t be able to do in the future for my kids/grandkids


What do you worry about?

My dog, not finding someone to do life with and not being able to accomplish my goals


What gives you hope?

Not sure if I have hope for the above things… I think I live Day to day and maybe that’s why I worry about them


What inspires you?

Motivation from friends


How are you feeling, right now?

Down… living with my mom in a job I hate… Inspiration stalled in life


Describe yourself, however you want, in two sentences. (Names omitted)

Single white female… stressed about all things in life right now cause where I am is not where I thought I’d be!


Live and let live






Thinking about raising my future sons and daughters



The pursuit of happiness






I’m a hardworking young man. I like to think that I live in the moment, but set myself up for success in the future.


always stretch before playing anything, may not be a big deal now, but it will in the future.









my parents and friends






I am a christian man that loves sports.  I play video games and like to sleep.

Don’t let anyone tell you you’re “taking the scenic route” when it comes to your dreams just because they’ve achevied their dream/success before you have. Everyone drives at different speeds on the highway but they all eventually get where they’re going. I think that is the most powerful advice I could offer, because it’s so easy to get caught up on social media and see people that slacked in high school do well while you haven’t gotten there yet because life happens. Who knows, without those experiences that delayed your success maybe success wouldn’t taste as sweet. Maybe you wouldn’t feel satisfied, maybe this maybe that. I feel like when people take longer to reach success they are more stable in it and don’t wonder what could have been if they wouldn’t have jumped in this career or a certain field so fast.

I worry about success in my future career. I know I am going to be successful but I worry about the manner in which the success will present

When I wake up everyday and I see even the smallest act of kindness. It just let’s me know that not everyone is that self absorbed or in too much of a rush to hold open a door or say thank you as the media would have you believe.

The kids inspire me. These kids in this upcoming generation need some help and some guidance. We are at the precipice of a social revolution that is going to be even bigger than the one shaping our world now. Seeing misguided youth or people in my own age group or even older people inspires me to be on top of my own game. It’s just atrocious to see how misguided kids are causing each other heartache and other people so much heartache because they’re entitled and have no guidance. Everytime I see an article about some heinous act an elementary schooler or high schooler or middle schooler pulled it just makes me wonder what led them there to that act? Just a culmination of everything makes me want to be a leader.

Feeling pretty tired, I feel like I get no time to myself.

I am kick-ass, determined, and I have a mean cooking arm.


You can have everything planned out, but it’s always better to go with the flow!



The future! Life after graduation! All of the uncertainty!



That no matter what everything will fall into place.


My parents and all of the hard work that put in to get into this country and make lives for themselves. It gave me incredible opportunities and I am always inspired by them.



A little hungover …



I would say I am energetic and positive! Laughter, food, and friends are solutions to almost any problem.


Your thoughts precipitate your actions, so be wise in your thinking.



Am I being a faithful steward of everything I’ve been given thus far in life (Time, Money, Skill, Knowledge, Resources, etc)



My faith in the creator and his son. In addition, seeing positive changes in people.



Continuous self growth and being a positive impact to as many people as possible



I feel a sense of purpose to my life



A person who sees himself in others. Having that perspective, it has allowed me to have unwavering patience and compassion towards everyone.

That’s all for today’s voices. If any spoke to you, or if you have suggestions or thoughts regarding this project, leave a comment below. Keep your eyes and ears open for the next set of voices. Questions change week to week, as do the voices. Until next time, thanks for listening!